National data released by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health
Services Administration (SAMHSA) show that Ritalin, Adderall, and other
ADHD drugs sent almost 23,000 young adults to the emergency room in
2011, a more than four-fold increase from 2005, when just 5,600 such
visits were reported.The population group studied was 18-34, but the
rise was most dramatic among 18- to 25-year-olds, Federal officials say.
The report, which was published August 8th in The DAWN Report, a SAMSA publication, also warned that heart and blood vessel damage has been linked with “nonmedical” use of the stimulant drugs, based on a 2012 study reported in Brain and Behavior.
The medications listed in the report include Ritalin (Novartis), Adderall (Shire), Strattera (Eli Lilly), Vyvanse (Shire) and their generic equivalents. But it’s important to note that the numbers also include caffeine pills and energy drinks, so ADHD drugs are not solely to blame.
Also included in these numbers were cases in which alcohol was also involved. For example, of the 22,949 cases reported for 2011, 30 percent involved alcohol as well as stimulants, while 70 percent were stimulants alone. This percentage held relatively steady over the years, ranging from 22 percent of cases in 2005 to a high of 38 percent of cases in 2007 involving alcohol as well as stimulants.
Particularly concerning was what the report revealed about how the largely college-aged group of young people obtained the drugs – more than 50 percent got them from a friend or relative at no charge, while an additional 17 percent bought them from someone they knew.
While the SAMHSA report highlighted unprescribed medication abuse, other reports show prescriptions for ADHD meds are spiking too. Data from I.M.S. Health found that 48.4 million prescriptions for ADHD stimulants were written in 2011, a 39 percent jump from 2007. More importantly, close to 14,000 new monthly prescriptions were written for ADHD stimulants, up from 5.6 million in 2007.
Sadly, although the numbers are startling, in many ways most of
this isn’t news, particularly to college administrators. Back in 2008,
the Journal of American College Health
reported data from a survey conducted at the University of Kentucky in
which 34 percent of students admitted using ADHD stimulants illegally.
And Just this April, the New York Times reported on efforts by colleges to crack down on ADHD stimulant abuse.
And it’s not just college students, either. This spring, New York Magazine’s Intelligencer column featured a report on the trendiness of modafinil (brand name Provigil) amongst young professionals. And in 2009, Time Magazine reported on the rising use of Ritalin, Adderall, and Provigil (manufacturer: Teva) in a story provocatively titled “The Case for Cognitive Enhancement.”
A stimulant originally developed to treat narcolepsy, modafinil has gained currency through mentions by popular efficiency experts, including Dave Asprey of the Bulletproof Executive website and Timothy Ferriss of The 4-Hour Work Week fame. (See the YouTube video of Ferriss talking about modafinil here.)
Amongst the therapeutic professionals charged with diagnosing ADHD in young adults, there’s a movement afoot to strengthen diagnostic criteria and prevent fakery among students seeking prescriptions for misuse. The results were unencouraging; a 2010 study (interestingly, also from the University of Kentucky) published in Psychological Assessment found that “malingerers readily produced ADHD-consistent profiles,” while a 2007 report in the Archives of Clinical Neuropsychology found that “symptoms of ADHD are easily fabricated.”
So where does this leave young adults like my own daughter who, when faced with the challenges of college-level study, become concerned that they legitimately have ADHD? Many college health centers now require a waiting period before a prescription is issued, since students who want the drugs purely as stimulants are likely to be in a hurry. Other college health centers are now refusing to diagnose ADHD, referring students to outside professionals who hopefully have the insight and perception to tell the difference.
Of course, such professionals aren’t always honorable, as was highlighted in the tragic case of Richard Fee, who committed suicide while reportedly addicted to Adderall, and the case of Columbia University student Stephan Perez, who was caught selling Adderall in a sting known as “Operation Ivy League.”
Maybe the seriousness of the problems associated with emergency visits and national attention generated by the SAMSA report will inspire more colleges (and perhaps managers?) to be on the alert for ADHD drug abuse and doctors to be more cautious in writing prescriptions.
Do you have a story to share about prescription stimulant use, misuse, or abuse? Please comment so others can learn from your experience.
For more health news, follow me here on, on Twitter, @MelanieHaiken, and subscribe to my posts on Facebook.
The report, which was published August 8th in The DAWN Report, a SAMSA publication, also warned that heart and blood vessel damage has been linked with “nonmedical” use of the stimulant drugs, based on a 2012 study reported in Brain and Behavior.
The medications listed in the report include Ritalin (Novartis), Adderall (Shire), Strattera (Eli Lilly), Vyvanse (Shire) and their generic equivalents. But it’s important to note that the numbers also include caffeine pills and energy drinks, so ADHD drugs are not solely to blame.
Also included in these numbers were cases in which alcohol was also involved. For example, of the 22,949 cases reported for 2011, 30 percent involved alcohol as well as stimulants, while 70 percent were stimulants alone. This percentage held relatively steady over the years, ranging from 22 percent of cases in 2005 to a high of 38 percent of cases in 2007 involving alcohol as well as stimulants.
Particularly concerning was what the report revealed about how the largely college-aged group of young people obtained the drugs – more than 50 percent got them from a friend or relative at no charge, while an additional 17 percent bought them from someone they knew.
While the SAMHSA report highlighted unprescribed medication abuse, other reports show prescriptions for ADHD meds are spiking too. Data from I.M.S. Health found that 48.4 million prescriptions for ADHD stimulants were written in 2011, a 39 percent jump from 2007. More importantly, close to 14,000 new monthly prescriptions were written for ADHD stimulants, up from 5.6 million in 2007.
And it’s not just college students, either. This spring, New York Magazine’s Intelligencer column featured a report on the trendiness of modafinil (brand name Provigil) amongst young professionals. And in 2009, Time Magazine reported on the rising use of Ritalin, Adderall, and Provigil (manufacturer: Teva) in a story provocatively titled “The Case for Cognitive Enhancement.”
A stimulant originally developed to treat narcolepsy, modafinil has gained currency through mentions by popular efficiency experts, including Dave Asprey of the Bulletproof Executive website and Timothy Ferriss of The 4-Hour Work Week fame. (See the YouTube video of Ferriss talking about modafinil here.)
Amongst the therapeutic professionals charged with diagnosing ADHD in young adults, there’s a movement afoot to strengthen diagnostic criteria and prevent fakery among students seeking prescriptions for misuse. The results were unencouraging; a 2010 study (interestingly, also from the University of Kentucky) published in Psychological Assessment found that “malingerers readily produced ADHD-consistent profiles,” while a 2007 report in the Archives of Clinical Neuropsychology found that “symptoms of ADHD are easily fabricated.”
So where does this leave young adults like my own daughter who, when faced with the challenges of college-level study, become concerned that they legitimately have ADHD? Many college health centers now require a waiting period before a prescription is issued, since students who want the drugs purely as stimulants are likely to be in a hurry. Other college health centers are now refusing to diagnose ADHD, referring students to outside professionals who hopefully have the insight and perception to tell the difference.
Of course, such professionals aren’t always honorable, as was highlighted in the tragic case of Richard Fee, who committed suicide while reportedly addicted to Adderall, and the case of Columbia University student Stephan Perez, who was caught selling Adderall in a sting known as “Operation Ivy League.”
Maybe the seriousness of the problems associated with emergency visits and national attention generated by the SAMSA report will inspire more colleges (and perhaps managers?) to be on the alert for ADHD drug abuse and doctors to be more cautious in writing prescriptions.
Do you have a story to share about prescription stimulant use, misuse, or abuse? Please comment so others can learn from your experience.
For more health news, follow me here on, on Twitter, @MelanieHaiken, and subscribe to my posts on Facebook.
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